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Students are required to attend all lectures, laboratories, and practicum.  Refer to the OUHSC class attendance policy and specific course syllabi provided by each instructor.  Students are required to complete all scheduled supervised practice hours.  If a student has a personal emergency (e.g. death or serious illness in family), extenuating circumstances (e.g. serious transportation problems), or illness that prevent participation, he/she is required to call the course instructor and the supervisor/preceptor at the facility site before the scheduled arrival time.  Failure to call to report an absence from supervised practice hours is considered inappropriate and unprofessional behavior.  Time missed from supervised practice must be made up during the course or rotation when it occurs. When a student misses class or supervised practice he/she is expected to complete any assigned work, exams, and projects that were due during the absence.  It is the student's responsibility to secure handouts and notes from the missed classes. It is also the student’s responsibility to contact the preceptor and instructor regarding making up missed supervised practice hours.

All supervised practice hours must be completed in order to pass the associated practicum course. All supervised practice hours are recorded on weekly summaries in the online tracking system. Students must accurately log all hours and submit the weekly summary promptly, so that the preceptor may sign off on those hours. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the preceptor has signed the weekly summaries. Each week, the Student Programs Coordinator reviews these time sheets to ensure that the appropriate number of hours are recorded and that the preceptor has signed off. They report any issues to the instructor, who will contact the student as needed to resolve the issue.

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